WPF uses a particular flavor of graphical rendering that goes by the term retained-mode graphics. Simply put, this means that as you are using XAML or procedural code to generate graphical renderings, it is the responsibility of WPF to persist these visual items and ensure they are correctly redrawn and refreshed in an optimal manner. Thus, when you render graphical data, it is always present, even when the end user hides the image by resizing or minimizing the window, by covering the window with another, and so forth.
In stark contrast, previous Microsoft graphical rendering APIs (including Windows Form’s GDI+) were immediate-mode graphical systems. In this model, it was up to the programmer to ensure that rendered visuals were correctly “remembered” and updated during the life of the application. For example, in a Windows Forms application, rendering a shape such as a rectangle involves handling the Paint event (or overriding the virtual OnPaint() method), obtaining a Graphics object to draw the rectangle and, most important, adding the infrastructure to ensure that the image was persisted when the user resized the window (for example, creating member variables to represent the position of the rectangle and calling Invalidate() throughout your program).
The shift from immediate-mode to retained-mode graphics is indeed a good thing, as programmers have far less grungy graphics code to author and maintain. However, I’m not suggesting that the WPF graphics API is completely different from earlier rendering toolkits. For example, like GDI+, WPF supports various brush types and pen objects, techniques for hit-testing, clipping regions, graphical transformations, and so on. So, if you currently have a background in GDI+ (or C/C++-based GDI), you already know a good deal about how to perform basic renderings under WPF.
As with other aspects of WPF development, you have a number of choices regarding how to perform your graphical rendering, beyond the decision to do so via XAML or procedural C# code (or perhaps a combination of both). Specifically, WPF provides three distinct ways to render graphical data:
Visuals: The fastest and most lightweight way to render graphical data under WPF is using the visual layer, which is accessible only through C# code. Using descendants of System.Windows.Media.Visual, you can speak directly to the WPF graphical subsystem.
The reason for offering different ways to do the exact same thing (i.e., render graphical data) has to do with memory use and ultimately application performance. Because WPF is such a graphically intensive system, it is not unreasonable for an application to render hundreds or even thousands of different images on a window’s surface, and the choice of implementation (shapes, drawings, or visuals) could have a huge impact.
Do understand that when you build a WPF application, chances are good you’ll use all three options. As a rule of thumb, if you need a modest amount of interactive graphical data that can be manipulated by the user (receive mouse input, display tooltips, etc), you’ll want to use members in the System.Windows.Shapes namespace.
In contrast, drawings and geometries are more appropriate when you need to model complex, generally non-interactive, vector-based graphical data using XAML or C#. While drawings and geometries can still respond to mouse events, hit-testing, and drag-and-drop operations, you will typically need to author more code to do so.
Last but not least, if you require the fastest possible way to render massive amounts of graphical data, the visual layer is the way to go. For example, let’s say you are using WPF to build a scientific application that can plot out thousands of points of data. Using the visual layer, you can render the plot points in the most optimal way possible. As you will see later in this chapter, the visual layer is only accessible via C# code, and is not XAML-friendly.
No matter which approach you take (shapes, drawings and geometries, or visuals) you will make use of common graphical primitives such as brushes (which fill interiors), pens (which draw exteriors) and transformation objects (which, well, transform the data). To begin the journey, we will begin working with the classes of System.Windows.Shapes.
Note WPF also ships with a full-blown API that can be used to render and manipulate 3D graphics, which is not addressed in this edition of the text. Please consult the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation if you are interested in incorporating 3D graphics in your applications.